With more people trying to start an online business each day, it is important to point out some critical mistakes people make when first starting out.
Here are a few mistakes to avoid:
1) Listening to too many experts
2) Trying too many things
3) Not devoting consistent time to your internet marketing and not treating it like a business
4) Waiting until you think you know everything before you really give it your all
5) Thinking you’re not good enough and holding back
6) Not giving it your all
7) Reading, listening and watching too much internet marketing training without taking action
8) Not setting clear goals or having a business plan
9) Being afraid to ask those who can help you
10) Going it alone and not finding a mentor
11) Lack of focus
12) Watching others making money while you make little or none
13) Day dreaming and procrastination
14) Giving up too easily
15) Moving from one “big thing” to the “next big thing” frequently
If you can relate with any of these mistakes, you need to take a step back from what you’re doing and create a plan that you can stick to. Ignore everything else until you follow through with that plan.
XoxO, M.C