There are certain things that you should be able to expect in a relationships at all times. If you can't expect them, you are in an unhealthy relationship. If you have problems in your relationship and you can't talk about those problems, you are in an unhealthy relationship. If you can't expect the other person to make the right choices, you are in an unhealthy relationship. If you can't trust you partner, you are in an unhealthy relationship.
There are certain things that you should be able to expect in a relationships at all times. If you can't expect them, you are in an unhealthy relationship. If you have problems in your relationship and you can't talk about those problems, you are in an unhealthy relationship. If you can't expect the other person to make the right choices, you are in an unhealthy relationship. If you can't trust you partner, you are in an unhealthy relationship.
Unhealthy relationships begin when one person doesn't respect the other person. This could be an abuser who never respects the person he/she is with. It could be a cheater that can't stay true to his word. It could be a number of different scenarios. The thing to keep in mind is that if the other person is disrespecting you in any manner, you are not in a healthy relationship.
It takes two to make the relationship work. If you are in an unhealthy relationship, you will find that you are fighting all the time or not talking at all. Both situations are hard to deal with. Finding yourself in an unhealthy relationship causes stress that is unnecessary and it may be time to call it quits. It doesn't just affect you, it affects anyone else living in the home including children. It also affects other family members and friends who are watching the disease of an unhealthy relationship spread. It is like cancer. Cancer in the relationship is no better than cancer in the body. It sits waiting to attack and it can be deadly in some circumstances.
If you find that you are in an unhealthy relationship, you have two choices. You can seek help to work the relationship out or you can call it quits. Staying in an unhealthy relationship isn't a good answer and it will never end well. Get help or get out. Everyone deserves to be in a healthy relationship where both parties are willing to help each other grow in their lives. If you find that you aren't there, it is time to move on to another situation that allows you to grow the way that you were meant to grow.
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