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Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Importance of Humor

Relationships are really hard. They require a lot of  effort to keep a relationship healthy and strong. Close contact, passion, keeping the spice, being thoughtful and having patience are just a few ingredients to keep the relationship brewing. One overlooked spice, is humor. It's the glue to keeping the small things that really matter from crumbling away.

Humor encourages positive thinking. It requires a special gift to be able to look for a silver lining in every cloud and not many people can do so, though many need to. Without humor, all you see is dark despair and disappointment. Humor allows you accept flaws, that the universe is not perfect and neither is the person you're having a relationship with. A minuscule characteristic should not distract you from the wonderful connection you have with someone. A sense of humor keeps you sane and keeps you attracted to the relationship. A dose of those endorphins sure feels good too.

There's also humility in humor. If you can't laugh at yourself, how can you ever get through life? Having a sense of humor means you can roll with the punches. A lot of times people forget why they were in the relationship to begin with. Prides are hurt as tempers flare and threatens to destroy something that once brought joy. Having a sense of humor allows the relationship a chance for its feuding parties to one day look back on the fight and laugh. Humor allows people to put their differences behind them and enjoy what the relationship really has to offer. Fights don't seem so serious after a few punch lines.
Humor also keeps the relationship fun. Over time, strain on the relationship may cause it's magic to fizzle out. Having a quick wit and a few jokes on hand could help in reconnecting and rediscovering that spark. Jokes and pranks also help up the ante on laughter, aiding the bonding process. Laughing together makes you feel in touch and connected. A well timed joke can disrupt a mundane meeting between bosses and subordinates, creating a brief atmosphere where it appears, that behind the facade of titles and pay checks, anybody can enjoy a good chuckle.

Humor is very important in any relationship. It comes in handy when deflecting criticism in a mother/daughter relationship and can diffuse a spat between husband and wife. It strengthens friendships and is a great stress reliever at family gatherings. Having a sense a humor can mend broken relationships and create new ones. So the next time you're feeling frustrated at a misunderstanding, have a good belly laugh.


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